2020 Computer Chess Tournament Roud 5
For more information about this tournament click here. Here are the games from round 5.
Never a dull moment
For more information about this tournament click here. Here are the games from round 5.
For more information about this tournament click here. Here are the games from round 4.
For more information about this tournament click here. Here are the games from round 3.
For more information about this tournament click here. Here are the games from round 2.
For more information about this tournament click here. Here are the games from round 1.
Tournament Results: Click on each round for information. Round | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Final result | A couple of years ago I started to pit different computers and different software to find out which was the best chess computer, and … Read moreHow do computer chess engines from all different platforms and eras compare with one another?
Well with the current situation with COVID-19 I am not working today, and will not be working for at least 2 weeks. Luckly in this day an age, there are many ways to keep yourself enternained at home. One of those things are podcasts. I have been listening to podcasts for many years, so I … Read moreCOVID-19, Free time, and Podcasts