COVID-19, Free time, and Podcasts

Well with the current situation with COVID-19 I am not working today, and will not be working for at least 2 weeks. Luckly in this day an age, there are many ways to keep yourself enternained at home. One of those things are podcasts. I have been listening to podcasts for many years, so I thought I would feature some on my blog. Today i have listen to one episode of Command Line Heros. “Hear the epic true tales of how developers, programmers, hackers, geeks, and open source rebels are revolutionizing the technology landscape. Command Line Heroes is an award-winning podcast hosted by Saron Yitbarek and produced by Red Hat.” Todays episode was about Palm. It wasn’t the first PDA to come to market, but the first to have any commercial success.

I have also made I list here of podcasts I listen to. What do you listen, leave a comment.

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